Reusable sources for build, test, release automation of PowerShell modules, written in DotNet/C# or PowerShell.
PsBuildTasks provides reusable sources for build, test, release automation of PowerShell modules, written in DotNet/C# or PowerShell.
This includes:
For details, visit the GitHub Pages.
There is a PowerShell module to manage PsBuildTasks and helps with it’s installation.
Get it with Install-Module -Name PsBuildTasks
from from PsGallery.
The next step depends on your project.
There are container tasks that update multiple features of PsBuildTasks
Go to the project root directory and execute the following script. Make sure to save your existing code in git, since files may be overwritten.
Import-Module -Name PsBuildTasks
Install-PsBuildTask -Path . -Task PowerShell-Matrix
$ModuleName = ( Get-Location | Get-Item ).Name
Invoke-Build -File .\tasks\PsBuild.Tasks.ps1 -Task UpdatePsBuildTasks
Set-Content -Path .build.ps1 -Value @"
param (
[int] $BuildNumber
`$ModuleName = '$ModuleName'
. `$PSScriptRoot/tasks/Build.Tasks.ps1
. `$PSScriptRoot/tasks/PsBuild.Tasks.ps1
task InstallModuleDependencies -Jobs {}
task InstallBuildDependencies -Jobs InstallModuleDependencies, {
Install-Module platyPs
task InstallTestDependencies -Jobs InstallModuleDependencies, {}
task InstallReleaseDependencies -Jobs InstallModuleDependencies, {}
In case you start a module from scratch, create a module structure like this.
New-Item src -ItemType Directory
New-ModuleManifest -Path src/$ModuleName.psd1 -RootModule "$ModuleName.psm1"
$local:manifest = Get-Content -Path src/$ModuleName.psd1 | ForEach-Object {
$_ -Replace 'FunctionsToExport', '# FunctionsToExport' -Replace 'CmdletsToExport', '# CmdletsToExport' -Replace 'VariablesToExport', '# VariablesToExport' -Replace 'AliasesToExport', '# AliasesToExport'
$local:manifest | Set-Content -Path src/$ModuleName.psd1
New-Item src/Internal -ItemType Directory
New-Item src/Public -ItemType Directory
New-Item test -ItemType Directory
You can update PsBuildTasks to:
the latest stable version using:
Invoke-Build -File .\tasks\PsBuild.Tasks.ps1 -Task UpdatePsBuildTasksTasks; Invoke-Build -File .\tasks\PsBuild.Tasks.ps1 -Task UpdatePsBuildTasks
a branch of choice using:
$PsBuildTaskBranch = 'develop'; Invoke-Build -File .\tasks\PsBuild.Tasks.ps1 -Task UpdatePsBuildTasksTasks; Invoke-Build -File .\tasks\PsBuild.Tasks.ps1 -Task UpdatePsBuildTasks
See the changelog file.